Mackenzie was a little tired after her school, but enjoyed trick or treating at Granddads work. Costume didn't last long, but got a LOT of great treats.
It's that time once again, for Mackenzie to start her Mother's Day Out Class. She is in the Little Lambs class, and we only shed a few tears today! She goes 3 days a week, which is a nice break for mama!
I'm just glad she didn't wear her angel wings with her rainboots to school!
We finally decided to get a big girl potty for Mackenzie! She loved it, and actually went peepee in it that night! Won't have anything to do with it now! We will wait--patiently
We had a good time helping G with different things around the house, but I took time out to create some new masterpieces! (hey, Picasso has nothing on me!) Of course after working so hard, I thought a dip in the pool would hit the spot!
Even though our Summer vacation has been spent driving to Joplin, Nevada, Lamar, Columbia and now St. Louis, we have still managed to have a good time, and Mackenzie can put a smile on anyones face!